Cold storage facility


Cold storage facilities are important waypoints in the food supply chain. When it’s time to building one, like other facilities, you need contractors who understand the construction of the facilities and take into consideration the specifications.

A while back, the project/facility manager for the cold storage facilities in Muranga contacted us to assist with the construction of their cold storage facility. The facility they wanted had to maintain the temperature needed for a cold store to serve its purpose. So, we decided to take the challenge.

Client’s requirements

When it comes to a cold storage facility, reliability and performance are very crucial. However, there are challenges associated with constructing a cold storage facility that will withstand the test of time and at the same time serve its purposes. Some of the issues our client wanted us to address were:

  • Having a consistently controlled facility whilst maintaining its efficiency 
  • Achieving profitability 
  • Eliminate slab issues such as damp rot or vermin
  • Construct an effective thermal store
  • Improving the facility long term sustainability
  • Ensure it meets the operational, serviceability, structural and environmental demands on the space.

Solution by EcoConcrete

Our beam and block slab technology impacts every facet of the cold store operations forms energy cost to turn over time. As a company, we understood the demands and requirements of the client, considering the need to slab insulation and heating elements to deliver a high-quality performance floor.

In this case, the structural simplicity of the slab design means it was quick to assemble on site. Once in place, the slab provides a safe working platform for work to continue. However, the system offered more solutions to our clients, including: 

  • Efficient and safe
  • Eliminate the use of unsafe mechanisms
  • Help with insulation
  • Minimized the potential risk of cracks
  • Lengthened the service life of the cold store
  • Decreased the risk presented by reinforcement corrosion


The fact that the system is unaffected by damp, rot, or vermin makes the system a perfect choice for ground floors. Ultimately, our team, well-versed in the dos and don’ts of construction, including the cold storage facility, has the experience necessary to focus on every little detail of your project.

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